Once upon a time... a beach grain of sand

Scientific Literacy | Outreach

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The project

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Once upon a time... a beach grain of sand” is a science outreach activity for creche and pre-school children.

It was developed and tailored as a pre-school scientific activity that aims to increase literacy about sediments and to show how important sediments are to nature and to us humans.

The activity comprises a bed-time story, the observation of different sand types, information cards and a colouring activity.

The bed-time story

The bed-time story, in picture book format, was created using as main character a grain of sand named Sandy and its journey from the mountains, where it was “born”, to the bottom of the sea.

The story is available in following languages:

EN version

United Kingdom Flag

PT version

flag: Portugal

DE version

Flag of Germany

NL version

flag: Netherlands

Versions in other languages...

coming up soon...

Activity Resources

A draw of Sandy character so kids can colour and take home.

Versions in other languages...

coming up soon...

PT version

flag: Portugal

EN version

United Kingdom Flag

Information cards about different environments where sand can be found and its importance as a resource.

coming up soon...

PT version

EN version


June 2022

September 2023

We have presented Sandy story at the 13th International SedNet ​Conference 6-8 September 2023, Lisbon, Portugal

February 2024

April 2024

June 2024

The team is collaborating with SedNet Working Group on ​Education-Science-Policy Interfacing & Sediment Management ​Concepts to new sediment stories (Sandy’s Adventures) for toddlers ​and children in primary school. The activities took place during the ​joint SedNet Working Groups Workshop and Meeting 3 – 5 June ​2024 in Hamburg, Germany.


Cristina Ponte Lira

Fátima Valverde

Related Resources

Without being exhaustive, here’s a list of ​other sediment literacy related resources.

Check them out!





Want to know more about the project?

Want to help the project and implement it in your own country?

Please contact us:

Cristina Lira - fclira@fc.ul.pt


This project was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) I.P./MCTES 57/2016/CP1479/CT0079 (https://doi.org/10.54499/DL57/2016/CP1479/CT0079)

Thank you to all voluntaries that helped translate Sandy story to their nati​ve languages: Boris Hochfeld; Raf Elst; Els Ryken.

Thank you for all the support provided by:

SedNet network and the Working​ Group on Education-Science-Policy Interfacing & Sediment Management​ Concepts

Sandy character is animated thanks to ANIMATED DRAWINGS https://sketch.metademolab.com/

Cristina Ponte Lira © | 2024